Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Prostitutes and their escort services brought USA $109 millions

To this results led the researches of American blog. Through the poll it was concluded that 700 thousands men use the prostitutes services atleast once a year.

A special popularity among the biggest part of the respondents has the cheap street prostitutes or the not so expensive whore houses. To describe more precisely the market of “escort” in USA the blog has decided to divide clients into three groups:

1. Group (94% of orders) – Standard prostitutes service. The man looks for an agency over the internet, then places a phone call and buys the prostitute for a whole evening. Price - $540

2. Group (5% of orders) – This kind of service is especially popular among politics. They deal with full confidentiality (ideally). The package includes: reservation of the order ahead, the reservation of two hotel rooms in another city, a train ticket for prostitute, drinks and other delights. This kind of service is intended for public persons, which don’t want that the information about their leisure time to go into the masses. Price - $4326

3. Group (1% of orders) – In the third group – clients who are willing to pay for a night with a prostitute about $60 thousands – all kind of millionaires. This kind of people don’t deprive themselves of any pleasures. An expensive hotel in Miami, where the participants of the gathering are transported with a jet, SPA- procedures as an addition to the process, $30 thousands for a night in a penthouse – all these are typical orders for clients of this group. Price - $63 900

In the process of research was established that for prostitutes escort-services in USA annually are spent $110 millions.

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