Friday, 16 May 2008

100 reasons to have sex

Cindy Meston and David Buss, psychology professors at Austin University, Texas have tested 203 men and 241 women with age range from 17 and 52 years which were asked to make a list with reasons that lead to having sex.

The top motives that came out of this study shows us a rich palette of emotions, sentiments, thoughts with accompany the decision to have sex, showing us how complex are human beings from the sexual point of view:

1) They are attracted to another person
2) Experiment with physical pleasure
3) Desire to experience love
4) Feel that they are wanted
5) Desire to reach another level of intimacy
6) From curiosity or wanting to experience new things
7) Celebrate an occasion
8) Just had the time and place to do it
9) Sex happens sometimes unexpectedly

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